Today was ALOT more fun then i had expected. We hardley ever have days that we spend 100% of our time together. We slept in and then got ready and went to the lake with Danny and Alyssa. It was Prestons first time out on the boat and the first time weve ever had him out in this valley heat for a long period of time. But he LOVED it! He was the most happy when the boat was running though...whenever we would stop he would make fussy noises...i think he really liked the wind blowing through his fuzzy hair. haha but we had a good time! Oh and on Sunday night Preston rolled himself over for the first time! We are so proud of him...hes getting to be such a big boy!
Preston and Daddy
After the lake we went to Spencers buddys parents house to go swimming. Taylor and Amanda are so fun and they have two cute little kiddos that we just love! We took the babys swimmin and visited, its great to have good friends!
Wow Chels, looks like you guys had a great time! Preston is getting so big! Its amazing
oh gosh he is a cutie! my kids love the lake and boat too! its great! love you miss you
I don't know how I found this. It was up on my computer when I sat down at it. I love all the pictures! So that's where you were on Labor day! I'm glad you had so much fun! Preston is a regular natural on the lake. I love your blog! I'm so amazed and proud of you Chelsie. You are a wonderful mother to Preston and wonderful wife to Spencer. Thank you for loving them so much!!
No no no, Spencers Mom said it :)
Oh my goodness he is just way to stinkin cute! He is getting so big my goodness! Talen had those little flip flops :) I loved them! Looks like you guys had a wonderful time. take care
oh my goodness i just love preston!! he is too cute, and i love the pics of the boys at the bottom with the babies. saylor and preston dont know it yet but they will be in love someday! haha miss ya lately girl, we need to get back into the groove of the gym!
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