Coon Family
COON FAMILY - Spencer, Chelsea, Preston & Lylah
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Christmas Eve Pajamas
Every year on Christmas Eve we open up a present and its always pajamas. Its a tradition my family always did and i loved it so its a tradition we took on. As i was looking at other blogs i noticed its a pretty common tradition haha i never knew! We forgot to take pictures of them on us haha i dont know what we were thinking but here are the ones of us opening them!
I did pretty bad with spenc this year...his slippers were too big and his shirt was not the one it was supposed to be haha so were gonna have to take things back :( but he did love the pants!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Salt Lake Temple Lights
Later that night on Christmas Eve we took the Lightrail from sandy to the temple to check out the lights. It was alot of fun but it was REALLY REALLY cold. The temple looked amazing though, ive always wanted to go and see them and i just never had the chance. It was really busy there that night too it was a good thing we took the lightrail cause it would have been a mess trying to find a parking spot. We had such a good time!
Corinne, Justin, Court, and Dad on the Lightrail
Happy Birthday Sister!!
My sister Corinnes birthday is December 24...kinda sad it always turns out to be a half birthday cause by night time we celebrate Christmas Eve. But its actually one of the funnest days of all cause we celebrate ALL day long and everyone gets to open presents haha. ( We all get pajamas to open on christmas eve ). Well we ended up driving to utah on wednesday night and didnt get there untill about 4 am on thursday...we slept in and then my parents took us all out to Tucanos for Corinnes birthday lunch. This place is like a brazillian buffet and it is seriously amazing. They come around your table and bring you different meats and its soo soo good! Well they had Corinne do a birthday dance and that was really funny...she got all into it and it was cute. Corinne can make anything fun. Well I want my sister to know how much i love her. She is the funnest girl around and makes anytime a good time. She is sooo good with kids especially her nephew preston :) he absolutely adores her. Im so lucky to have the sisters i do and i hope she knows shes one of my very best friends. I can go to her for anything and i know she always has my back. Shes absolutely beautiful inside and out. I love you sister and i hope you had a great birthday!!!
The Birthday girl doin her dance!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Preston and Santa
At Bass Pro shop they will give you a free photo with Santa Clause!! We tried going last week but didnt make it in time so we went back last night. It was alot of fun to see how hed react to sitting on his lap but i think he did pretty good! I brought him up there and he just stared at him for a little and we finally got his attention to take the picture and then he looked back at santa and cried haha but you can tell in the picture that hes like "who is this scary guy!" haha. I thought he was a pretty cute santa haha some of them are just really scary but this one looks all cheery and cute so im glad haha. Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

Bath Time!
Preston LOVES taking baths! I always want to take pictures of him taking baths but i dont think of it untill hes already in and i dont have my camera but luckily spenc was home last night so he took these pics. haha hes such a chubby boy...he even has man boobys haha hes just the cutest little thing!!!

Saturday, December 19, 2009
Zoo Lights
Tonight we went to the Phoenix Zoo lights! It was so BUSY...note to self - do not go on a weekend! It was still alot of fun but seriously so hard to move around. Next year we will be better planners and go during the week. The lights are amazing though and preston just loved looking at all of them. We didnt see too many animals but we did see the new dragon exhibit and we saw an otter and a zebra! Thanks spenc for taking us...your the best husband and father ever! Me and Preston just love you soo much!
Sticking out his tounge at mom haha
Friday, December 18, 2009
Today was my 22nd birthday. I was talking to my mom today and we decided that birthdays get less and less fun haha. She asked me what i was doing today and the answer was cleaning. oohh well! Tonight My sweet hubby took me out to dinner to my favorite place, Red Lobster though and Corinne and Justin and Danny and Alyssa also came with us! It was REALLY good and alot of fun to see everyone. Prestons first tooth broke through yesterday and his second one did today, both on the bottom. Its really cute. At dinner he ate just about half of my mashed potatoes and i had to ask the waitress for more cucumbers cause thats all he wanted but once he broke it i had to take it away so he wouldnt choke but we went through like 10! Hes such a funny funny boy. We then went back to our house and spencers family came over and brought a cake! It was really good and im so glad they came and spent time with us! So today was great...and i got tons of sweet birthday wishes from all my family and friends...thanks a bunch, you all are the best!!!
Johnnys Home!
My Brother in law Johnny has been serving an honorable mission in Scotland for the past 2 years and came home wednesday night. We were sooo excited to see him! His plane was supposed to land at 7:40 pm but landed early at 7:13 so no one was there to greet him :(...he went and got his luggage and when we got there he had snuck up behind us! I made a great sign and never got to use it haha so much for that...we did use it for pictures though. He looks great and was so happy to be home and see his family. From what hes told us he loved his mission, i know he worked hard and i hope he knows how proud we are of him. Ive never gone on a mission but i cant imagine how hard it would be, leaving their familys and having people slam doors in their faces...he even told us about people spitting on him, how someone could be so cruel ill never understand. But I have so much respect for these young men who serve our God and bring souls unto him. We love you Johnny and were soo glad your home! We also got to go with him when he was was such a great experience...the spirit was so strong. I know this church is true and i know it without a doubt in my mind.
Spencer, Ron, Johnny and Danny. I love this picture...Father and sons...
Monday, December 14, 2009
The Vintage Pearl
Isnt this necklace the cutest! I just entered to win it here I hope I win and if not...I think it would make a great valentines day gift haha ;) hint hint spencer! Theyll make it with whatever names you would like...I would want Spencer on one and Preston on another and you can order seperate pieces so when we have another baby i can order another name and add it to my necklace...I just love it!
Temple Christmas Lights
Last night we also went to the Mesa Temples Christmas lights, Debbie was singing in the choir and they sounded great! It was a little chilly but the wind wasnt blowing so it wasnt too bad. I love all the lights...I cant wait to go to Utah and see the Salt Lake Temples lights in just a couple of weeks! Gosh I cant believe Christmas is almost has definantly snuck up on me and its going by way too fast!
This is the chior...Debbie is in the 3rd row the 3rd person in from the left. You can barely see her but that was the closest I could get.
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