Coon Family

COON FAMILY - Spencer, Chelsea, Preston & Lylah

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Please keep them in your prayers.

Lately it seems like all i hear about are these horrible accidents happening to young husbands and fathers. Maybe Im just now listening and actually caring about whats going on in this world and the people around me but its hit me hard. I honestly cant imagine a world with spencer not in it. Im so honestly grateful to have a knowledge of the great and everlasting atonement. That I know that this life is just a trial and its temporary. I know that if anything happened to my sweet husband, myself, or my children that I will still forever have them. I know that the Lord has a plan for all of us and hes right beside us when times are tough. We are never alone. I love my husband with everything i have. I love this wonderful Gospel that has played a huge roll on my my life and my happiness. I love my sweet little boy....I love being a wife and a mother. I love everything about my little life and I wouldnt change a thing.
I wanted to share a couple of the heartbreaking stories of familys my heart is acheing for. Please keep these familys in your prayers and remember how much our Heavenly Father has given you and how many sweet blessings are surrounding you. He loves you.
The Stock Family
The Jones Family
This is my love and husband that i get to keep forever. I love you Spencer.

And I will forever and for always.

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