Coon Family

COON FAMILY - Spencer, Chelsea, Preston & Lylah

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Pumpkin Patch 2011...

Last night we decided to take the kids to the pumpkin patch. We didn't want the crowds of a weekend and no other day worked with Spencer's schedule so it just had to be last night. Have I mentioned that nights just aren't that great for Lylah? She gets soo colicky at night and it just a sad mad girl. She pretty much hated the pumpkin patch. Hopefully she'll like it better next year. Preston on the other hand had a great time. They added a huge air jumpy thing that Preston and Spencer played on and he had a blast. Then they rode on the cow barrels...which he never would have gotten out if we didn't make him.

He also loved these bike things

Lylah started out asleep...for like 10 min...

And then turned into this the rest of the night...
 Luckily we love her to death cause she is one heck of a screamer.

This picture was a little blurry but I liked it anyways.

And here is Preston in the pumpkins...this was the closest to a smile I could get but he still looks so handsome :).

Last night wasn't really what I had hoped for, hopefully next year turns out better. At least Preston had fun...that's really why we went anyways!


Unknown said...

So cute chels! and she is already getting so big! Rayce was horrid at night and has always had so much acid reflex but taking him to have a baby massage worked for him. We were taking him twice a week just so he would sleep a couple of hours straight! Good luck with the colic and i hope you get some rest!

Corinne and Justin said...

Ha ohh poor little Lylah! She still looks so cute! You have such a cute little family!