Coon Family

COON FAMILY - Spencer, Chelsea, Preston & Lylah

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Bitter Sweet Moments

I took down this swing a couple days ago.

Do I really remember him this little? It feels like I got to have him my teeny weeny lil baby for like a day and now hes grown and trying to do things all on his own. I remember how excited I was to buy this swing and how excited I was to take it home and set it up and put him in it and to see him smile. He has taken almost all of his naps in this swing...and now its gone stored away for future baby #2. I cant believe 8 months have flown right by me....i think it has been the fastest 8 months i have ever experienced in my entire life. While I was taking it down i couldnt help myself but to let a little tear fall...why do babys have to grow? Why doesnt he let me cuddle with him without him sqiurming away as fast as he can haha? Those lil baby moments where they are asleep in your arms just dont come too often these days and i miss it SO much. Then again...he hasnt been happier. He LOVES learning new things and playing all the time. And of course Im happy because my little one is happy. I guess that is what comes with motherhood. I love being your mom Preston. And I really do love watching you grow. Id call it bitter sweet...


The Ryan's said...

Oh I know the feeling Chels. Jillian is growing up so fast. I've been cleaning out her closet and taking down certain things her swing and bouncer. It does go by so fast. In 3 months Jillian will be 1 already. Being a mom is really the greatest gift in the world. And you are a wonderful mom!

Brandi said...

it is bitter sweet. i dont ever want to be with out a baby in the house...its so sad to watch them grow but so wonderful at the same time. by the way he was just too cute when he was tiny tiny...i love that picture!