Coon Family

COON FAMILY - Spencer, Chelsea, Preston & Lylah

Monday, January 11, 2010


Some days I just want to pull my hair out and hide under the covers and not get out ALL DAY. My house is a wreck right now, Preston is teething and is having a really hard time sleeping, Im worried about money ( who isnt ), My to-do list is about 500 pages long, im tired and cranky and i just wish i woke up with a different attitude. BLAH!

Good thing that little boy is sooo darn cute and such a little sweetie pie that i cant resist giving him hugs and kisses while im feeling down. I think he could bring a smile to anyones day.
Well hopefully while im busy my day will get better...wish me luck!
Is he not just getting too big? 8 months already...gosh i just cant believe it.

1 comment:

Brandi said...

girlly i can totally relate. poor mr tytan is getting his two year old mollars and they stink. He doesnt want to sleep either and that really stinks while pregnant haha. Hope your day starts to go better! love you!